Seed Catalogs
Johnny’s Selected Seeds, 1-877-564-6697, johnnyseeds.com (Maine)
Lightning-fast service, extremely informative catalog, all our favorite tools.
High Mowing Organic Seeds, 1-(802) 472-6174, highmowingseeds.com (Vermont)
All organic, fast service, great catalog, quickly becoming my first choice in catalogs.
Territorial Seed Company, 1-800-626-0866, territorialseed.com (Oregon)
The only seed company (we know of) with a catalog for Fall & Winter harvest.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, 1-(417) 924-8917, rareseeds.com (Missouri)
Huge selection of open-pollinated, inexpensive seeds.
Seed Savers Exchange, 1-(563) 382-5990, seedsavers.org (Iowa)
“American’s premier source for heirloom seeds.”
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, 1-(540) 894-9480, southernexposure.com (Virginia)
All open pollinated seeds.
Fedco, 1-(207) 873-7333, fedcoseeds.com (Maine)
A seed cooperative with very inexpensive seed and good selection. Entertaining catalog. They do not buy seeds from companies owned by Monsanto.
Snow Seed Co. (831) 758-9869, snowseedcompany.com (California)
Mostly caters to the commercial farmer. But if you are buying bulk seed the prices are good.