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Morning Plenary Sessions

The Call to Country Living: A Historical Sketchwith James Hartley
Worship Center

Dis­cover the his­tor­i­cal roots and sig­nif­i­cance of the Adven­tist movement’s call to country living. Explore its impact on health, spir­i­tu­al­ity, and com­mu­nity life through cap­ti­vat­ing stories and insights.

Rural Seclusion or Mission Outposts?with James Hartley
Worship Center

Explore the del­i­cate balance between pur­su­ing rural soli­tude and the imper­a­tive to spread the gospel to the world.

A Family Outpost Changed My Lifewith James Hartley
Worship Center

A per­sonal tes­ti­mony of how God used a family farm in Italy to intro­duce James to Christ, high­light­ing how the prin­ci­ples of country living sig­nif­i­cantly influ­enced his con­ver­sion and ded­i­ca­tion to God’s mission.

Growing Betterwith James Hartley
1 hour and 15 minutes
Main Hallin Worship Center

Journeys in Agriculture

1 hour and 30 minutes

Mother-daugh­ter country living journey in resilience and reformation.

Youth Panel
1 hour and 30 minutes
Growing Connections, Health, and Hope!with Joy Kauffman
1 hour and 30 minutes

Joy’s love for gar­den­ing began on her grand­par­ents’ farm. Hear her journey of becom­ing veg­e­tar­ian at 9, study­ing nutri­tion, joining the Adven­tist church, and found­ing FARMSTEW to promote health globally.

A Faith Journey from the City to the Countrywith Eric Zaddock and Althea Zaddock
1 hour and 30 minutes
Main Hallin Worship Center

Eric & Althea will share their journey in learn­ing and fol­low­ing God’s callto the country and away from life in the heart of the city where their hearts were attached.

Final Chargewith Gabriel McClover
1 hour and 15 minutes
Main Hallin Worship Center

Level 1: Homesteading & Gardening

Essential topics for making your move to the country and getting that first garden off to a good start.

Divine Directions: Understanding God's Call To Rural Livingwith Chad Kreuzer

Why have God’s people been called to country living in the last days? What are some mis­un­der­stand­ings about about this calling? How to make your country move a calling rather than simply a home.

Too Expensive? How To Find An Affordable Country Home/Farmwith Chad Kreuzer

Prop­er­ties have gotten expen­sive these days. Is country living out of reach? Is it pos­si­ble to find a country prop­erty if you aren’t rich. We will look at strate­gies that can make country living more finan­cially accessible.

What To Look For In Your Country Propertywith Chad Kreuzer

There are some essen­tials to look for when finding a country prop­erty. How can we find the country home God has for us indi­vid­u­ally? This is for those looking for a country home or those looking for a better one. 

Nuts and Bolts of Making the Purchasewith Jasmine Andrade

Buying prop­erty, pit­falls to avoid and finding your homestead.

How to Plan Your Garden Without Stress or Guessworkwith Paul Dysinger

Dis­cover how to plan your garden in three simple steps. Let’s cut through the clutter and get your garden plan off to a great start this year!

How to Start Plants That Thrivewith Paul Dysinger and Edwin Dysinger

Dis­cover the art of start­ing your own plant starts at home! Come learn what kind of potting mix to use, the right fer­til­izer to feed your plants, and more.

Soil 101 for The Home Gardenerwith Paul Dysinger and Edwin Dysinger

Does soil testing scare you? Come dis­cover six simple soil prin­ci­ples anyone can use to start build­ing healthy soil in their back­yard right now.

Growing the Right Plants at the Right Time in the Right Placewith Ricky Seiler

Learn what veggies grow best in your neck of the woods to help make your gar­den­ing fun and rewarding.

Garden Maintenance Tricks for the Backyard Gardenerwith Paul Dysinger and Edwin Dysinger

It’s one thing to plant a garden — but now how are you going to main­tain it? Come learn tried and true tricks to keep your garden thriv­ing all year long.

Preserving the Harvestwith Pam Dysinger

In this class we will be dis­cussing tools, tips and tech­niques for simple and effi­cient food preservation.

Greater Simplicitywith Pam Dysinger

In this class we will look at ways to live more simply, on less money and yet have a full and abun­dant life.

Level 2: Home & Market Gardeners

This track is designed for the experienced gardener with information applicable as much as possible to both the home and market gardener. Learn secrets from experienced gardeners and farmers to help you take your agricultural interests to the next level, whether it’s a specific crop, starting out with no-till, bed preparation, or finding out if hoop house growing could be for you.

Berry Good Strawberrieswith John Dysinger

Straw­ber­ries are not an easy crop to grow, but if you follow all the tips I will give in this class, you should be able to achieve success!

Cultivating Sweet Potatoes for Storage or Marketwith Kenny Point

Learn how to grow, store, and save sweet pota­toes and dis­cover how they may be the most impor­tant crop that you can grow.

Prepping and Planting Your Growing Beds to Help Your Plants Thrivewith Ricky Seiler and Alan Seiler

Dis­cover how prepar­ing your growing beds and using good plant­ing tech­niques can help your veggies get strong start.

Growing Lettuce in Summer Heat: Tips and Trickswith Caleb Dysinger

Dis­cover the secrets to suc­cess­fully growing crisp, deli­cious lettuce even in the swel­ter­ing summer heat. This class will provide you with essen­tial tips and tricks to keep your lettuce thriv­ing during the hottest months. Learn about heat-tol­er­ant vari­eties, optimal plant­ing sched­ules, effec­tive water­ing tech­niques, and shading strategies.

Grow Great GARLIC!with Chett & Melissa Clayton

Come take an inside look at the best garlic vari­eties, cover crops, fer­til­iz­ers, plant­ing and mulching methods, and harvesting/​drying tricks to grow the best garlic around!

Small Scale No-till Methodswith Seth Shaffer

Can​“no-till” really be prac­ti­cal on a small scale? Come learn about the tools and methods that can make no-till work for you — no matter your size.

Cover Cropping and Its Benefitswith Seth Shaffer

Cover crop­ping is an invalu­able tool for any gar­dener or farmer. Soil is a depletable resource that must be tended to as care­fully as any crop. Come and learn one way of rebuild­ing and enhanc­ing the soil through cover crop­ping; whether you have a single raised bed or a field. Learn how cover crops hold nutri­ents, keep the soil mois­ture in place, prevent weeds, build organic matter and much much more.

Stepping into Hoophouse Growing--Should You Do It?with Ricky Seiler

Explore the pros and cons of green­house growing and find out if getting a green­house is a good fit for you.

Scaling Up Your Compostingwith Daniel Nicholls

Have you out­grown that small compost bin in your back yard? If you’re ready to go big on com­post­ing, this class is for you.

Level 3: Advanced Growers

This track is designed to challenge experienced farmers. Expect advanced terminology and high level science here. This is not for the average home grower.

The Golden Puzzle--Which Piece are You Missing?with Whitmar McConnell and Daniel Nicholls
Additional Fee

A six hour pro­gres­sive, deep & inter­ac­tive dive into the four pillars of growing. Join us for an exclu­sive oppor­tu­nity to take your growing skills to the next level at this year’s AdAgrA Con­fer­ence. Designed for advanced growers who are serious about max­i­miz­ing plant health and yield, this inten­sive work­shop focuses on mas­ter­ing the essen­tial ele­ments of suc­cess­ful cultivation. 

Thurs­day morn­ing’s focused small group time will give you the oppor­tu­nity to work through spe­cific lim­it­ing factors that may be holding you back from success along­side others grap­pling with similar chal­lenges. Each small group will be led by a grower who has expe­ri­ence relat­ing to the issues being addressed.

Limited access – you must apply for this class during registration. 

Weather or Notwith John Dysinger

In this two hour class we will spend the first hour looking at all the major factors that deter­mine weather and how they combine to produce what we expe­ri­ence on a daily basis. (i.e. Weather 101). The second hour will specif­i­cally look at what we can do as farmers/​gardeners to temper the neg­a­tive effects of weather on our crops.

Field to Fridge: A Deep Dive into Harvest and Processingwith Joshua Dysinger

In this class we will be going through the systems and prin­ci­ples that I have found to most effi­ciently manage harvest and pro­cess­ing of your produce, pro­vid­ing the highest quality product pos­si­ble for your customers.

The Entrepreneur's Toolbox

What does a real entrepreneur look like? What are the essential skills needed? Experienced entrepreneurs will help you get your feet on the path to success!

Core Competencies of Entrepreneurshipwith Kevin Brown, Nick Knecht and Jonathan Dysinger

There are some com­pe­ten­cies that are required of entre­pre­neurs, regard­less of what indus­try or type of busi­ness is involved. We will talk about three of them during this inter­ac­tive session.

Foundations of Effective Leadershipwith Jonathan Dysinger

Join us to explore the essen­tial prin­ci­ples of effec­tive lead­er­ship. Dis­cover how to inspire and guide your team using proven strate­gies and a faith-driven approach to achieve success.

Entrepreneurial Financewith Kevin Brown

We will review a few basic finance best prac­tices’ for busi­ness owners, and con­sider addi­tional advanced topics as time allows during this inter­ac­tive session.

From Concept to Consumer: Strategies for Strong Brandingwith Nick Knecht

Find out how to bring your concept to life with effec­tive brand­ing. Learn simple, pow­er­ful mar­ket­ing methods to build a brand that stands out.

Entrepreneur Panelwith Kevin Brown

We will invite several current entre­pre­neurs to share some of their expe­ri­ences in running a busi­ness and then respond to ques­tions from the audience.

Institutional Agriculture

If you are an institutional farmer or administrator, this track is for you. You will learn secrets for successful collaboration between departments and practical ways to help your farm fulfill God’s plan for His institutions.

Mapping Successwith Daniel Nicholls

We don’t try to get any­where impor­tant without a map. Let’s talk about how we can get a clear picture of where we’re going with our institution’s farm and how we are going to get there.

Taking Care of Our Primary Customerwith Daniel Nicholls

We may not see our cafe­te­ria as a cus­tomer but they can be our best cus­tomer; not only that, they are prob­a­bly our most impor­tant cus­tomer. Let’s talk about how we can serve them with our institution’s farm.

Tips for Finding Success with a Ministry Farmwith Fred Flint

We will delve into some of the key factors that help towards success with an insti­tu­tional farm.

Interns, U-turns and Returnswith John Dysinger and Pam Dysinger

Have you con­sid­ered interns on your farm? If so, why? In this class, we will examine the why’s and how’s of running a suc­cess­ful intern­ship program.

Starting Out with Flower Farming

If you are wondering where to start out with flower farming, this track is for you. Find out what you really need to launch—it might be less than you thought!

Getting Started in Flower Farmingwith Kelly O'Connor

Where do I start? Let’s look at some of the basic tools and sup­plies needed to estab­lish a prof­itable flower farm. We will also explore the capital invest­ments that may help estab­lish a better market share for your blooms.

Exploring Growing and Marketing Flowers on a Small Plotwith Kelly O'Connor

What are you growing this season? Finding the right crops to fit your budget, time and space can be com­pli­cated. We will look at five basic crops that are easy to grow with a rea­son­able profit margin, and a few that are more chal­leng­ing with greater proffit potential.

Special Interests

This track features a mix of practical topics such as sourdough, honeybees, solar power, or growing unusual fruits—you’ll probably want to take in at least one of these presentations!

All Your Sourdough "Need to Knows"!with Elizabeth Harrison

This class is rec­om­mended prior to attend­ing Demo Class. 

Sour­dough success! We will dive into: all about starter, discard, ben­e­fits, flours, ter­mi­nolo­gies, trou­bleshoot­ing, hacks, why sour­dough, Q&A, and seeing/​smelling in person what your starter is telling you.

The Sabbatical—Binding Burden or Bountiful Blessing?with John Dysinger

If you have ever won­dered about the Bib­li­cal command to rest the land every 7th year, come hear our per­sonal tes­ti­mony and research from the Bible and EGW.

Understanding & Working with Honeybeeswith Kenny Point

Explore the fas­ci­nat­ing life and orga­ni­za­tion of hon­ey­bees and find out whether bee­keep­ing is a good fit for your back­yard, home­stead, or farm.

Homestead Heating 2.0with Franklin Cobos

Decid­ing how best to heat your home is chal­leng­ing. This class will present the pros and cons of dif­fer­ent heating fuels and methods, focus­ing on wood heat. Topics will include how to source the best wood, chain­saw selec­tion, basic safety prin­ci­ples, and main­te­nance tips, and con­sid­er­a­tions you need to care­fully think about before as you decide on how to heat your home.

Puppies for Profitwith Nathan Hamilton

An overview of the process of oper­at­ing a dog breed­ing busi­ness. We will discuss the factors involved in choos­ing good breed­ing stock, the birthing process, and raising and mar­ket­ing puppies.

Guiding Principles for a Successful Orchardwith Darren Greenfield

Topics covered in this class will include but not limited to: Variety selec­tion, root­stock, planting/​site prepa­ra­tion, Fer­til­iza­tion, Vital plant­ing infor­ma­tion, Irri­ga­tion, Shaping, pruning, thin­ning, Natural Pest and disease control, Crit­i­cal points of influ­ence, Bible and S.O.P. gems for success.

The Basics of Building Your Own Solar Systemwith Eric Zaddock

This class will cover the basics of how systems work, types of systems, how to assess your energy needs, system plan­ning, com­po­nents, and bud­get­ing, basic design, how to pur­chase, and basic installation.

Home Solar System Connections and Calculationswith Eric Zaddock

In this class we will explore how to cal­cu­late what you need for your home, how to cal­cu­late and con­fig­ure panels, and how to make simple connections.

Uncommon Fruits for the Home Gardenwith Kenny Point

Dis­cover these unusual fruits that are deli­cious, nutri­tious, easy to grow and low main­te­nance, making them a perfect addi­tion to back­yard gardens and home orchards.

True Education

Are you wondering how to give your children the best education to prepare them for success in God’s calling on their lives? In these presentation you’ll learn about the importance, definition and relevant application of the principles of True Education in your home or school and how this relates to nature and agriculture!

True Education – Is it Really that Important?with Joshua White

If we fail to under­stand this, we will never have a place in the kingdom of God,” are the inspired words used to describe the impor­tance and urgency of true edu­ca­tion – a rad­i­cally dif­fer­ent plan of edu­ca­tion for a pecu­liar people.

True Education: You Mean, There's a False?with Joshua White

The plan of true edu­ca­tion is simple and applic­a­ble in every sit­u­a­tion. What does it actu­ally mean? How can it be fol­lowed in modern times? This session will cover the prin­ci­ples of true edu­ca­tion in a prac­ti­cal way for parents and teach­ers alike.

True Education – How do I actually do this?with Joshua White

Con­vert­ing theory to reality can be a chal­lenge for the busy parent or teacher. Whether you’ve studied true edu­ca­tion for years or are just now hearing the term, this session will provide a simple, applic­a­ble, and prac­ti­cal guide for putting it into practice.

Nature Immersion and True Education

This will be an inter­ac­tive hour pre­sented by a group of people that have expe­ri­enced nature immer­sion in their journey of True Edu­ca­tion. Bring your questions!

Agriculture & Your Health

What herbs should you keep handy in your medicine cabinet? How does garden produce and your microbiome connect? How does gardening impact mental health? Learn more about how your health and agriculture intersect in this fascinating track.

Best Herbal Remedies for Common Ailmentswith Lee Wellard

In this session we will be cov­er­ing the best simple and effec­tive botan­i­cal reme­dies that can bring relief to a lot of suf­fer­ing and alle­vi­ate many common com­plaints. Herbal­ist Lee Wellard will be dis­cussing the most effec­tive ways to use simple herbs, many of which we can grow in our own garden.

Plants & Gut Microbiome--What's the Connection?with Diana Fleming

The Gut Micro­biome is a hot topic today. Every branch of med­i­cine is explor­ing its impact on health and disease. Why? This two-part talk delves into the basics of the gut micro­biome: what is it, how do we keep it healthy, how does it keep us healthy, and how does it relate to the Eden Diet and AdAgrA?

Soil and the Mind--Is There a Connection?with Neil Nedley

Dr. Nedley will explore with you the amazing ben­e­fits of being in touch” with soil. Learn how agri­cul­ture helps with pos­i­tive neu­ro­plas­tic­ity — through plan­ning, working with your hands to execute the plan, and eating the healthy fruit of your labors. You will never see dirt” the same way again.

Tick Bites - What Doctors Want You to Knowwith Franklin Cobos and Teresa Sherard

Avoid­ing the dry, boring format of some medical pre­sen­ta­tions, this session will be a con­ver­sa­tion between Dr. Sherard and Cobos, fol­lowed by Q&A. Topics will include pre­ven­ta­tive mea­sures and man­age­ment strate­gies across the spec­trum of both tra­di­tional (antibi­otics) and simple reme­dies (herbs, hydrother­apy) using real patient case illustrations.

Spanish Track

Guia Practica para Vivir en el Campo/Getting to the Countrywith Jose Abreu

En esta pre­sentación, hablare­mos de ele­men­tos prác­tico que debemos tomar en cuenta cuando decidi­mos salir de la ciudad. Cuál es el lugar ideal en armonía con nuestra cultura, ide­ología, capaci­dad y recur­sos.
Com­par­tire­mos sobre las formas más con­ve­nientes de desar­rol­lar a nuestra familia. También como avanzar en el plan de Dios sin dejar de tomar en cuenta los valores que hay que desar­rol­lar en este nuevo estilo de vida.

In the pre­sen­ta­tion we will talk about how to prepare to go to the coun­try­side even if we are in the city, what is the ideal place in harmony with our culture, ide­ol­ogy, capa­bil­i­ties and we will share family edu­ca­tion of our chil­dren with the purpose of devel­op­ing a coun­try­side expe­ri­ence that is in harmony with God’s plan.

Formas Prácticas que Harán tu Mudanza al Campo sea un Éxito/Practical Ways to Make Your Move to the Country a Successwith Fred Flint

Lec­ciones del viaje de des­cubrim­iento de una familia mien­tras; por ensayo y error, vic­to­rias y der­ro­tas; encuen­tra y forma un pequeño pedazo de paraíso en Tennessee.

Lessons from a family’s journey of dis­cov­ery as they, by trial and error, vic­to­ries and defeats, find and form a small piece of par­adise in Tennessee.

Planes para Desarrollar Nuestra Agricultura/Garden Planning: What, Where, and When to Plantwith Jose Abreu

Nuestro enfoque prin­ci­pal será; que, cuando y donde plantar. Hablare­mos de téc­ni­cas para elegir el tipo de cultivo ade­cuado en armonía con la tierra, clima y var­iedad de los pro­duc­tos a cul­ti­var. Usando métodos tradi­cionales para conocer las mejores var­iedad en relación a donde nos ubique­mos. Pidi­endo así, obtener mejores resul­ta­dos en lo que sembremos.

In view of the chal­lenges of field expe­ri­ence in agri­cul­ture, we will present the best tech­niques on how to know the type of product appro­pri­ate for each climate and type of land, the best variety of seed adapted to the climate where we are located, the man­age­ment and use of dif­fer­ent seasons, ade­quate fer­til­iza­tion and tech­niques appro­pri­ate to the envi­ron­ment in order to have better results.

Preparación del Huerto/Garden Preparationwith Tony Fuentes

Apren­der­e­mos juntos algunas de las formas más efi­cientes de riego, con­sid­era­ciones básicas en la preparación del suelo y cómo ase­gu­rarnos de tener un suelo fértil.

We will cover some of the most effi­cient ways to irri­gate, the basic con­sid­er­a­tions in soil prepa­ra­tion and how to make sure you have fertile soil!

Desarrollando un Huerto Prospero/Developing A Thriving Gardenwith Adner Abreu

En un huerto hay muchas vari­antes, mas este curso cubrire­mos todos los prin­ci­p­ios que servirán de guía para que tengas en tu huerto una expe­ri­en­cia prospera.

A garden has many vari­a­tions but in this class we will cover guiding prin­ci­ples that will make your garden a suc­cess­ful experience.

Métodos Seguros para el Control de Plagas y Malezas en el Jardín/Safe and Secure Methods for Control of Garden Pests and Weedswith Fred Flint

Claves para pre­venir y con­tro­lar plagas y malezas comunes en el jardín uti­lizando medios sen­cil­los y eficaces.

This class will give you the keys to prevent and control common garden pests and weeds using simple and effec­tive means.

Que Significa la Verdadera Educación?/What Does True Education Mean?with Joshua White

Si hay una ver­dadera, debería ser una falsa. Entonces, ¿qué sig­nifica el término ver­dadera edu­cación? ¿Hay real­mente dos sis­temas de edu­cación, y como puede enten­der los padres y mae­stros cual sistema están siguiendo?

If there is a true, there must be a false. So, what does the term true edu­ca­tion mean? Are there really two systems of edu­ca­tion, and how can parents and teach­ers under­stand which system they are following? 

Como Aplicar la Verdadera Educación?/How To Apply True Education?with Joshua White

Quizás la edu­cación ver­dadera parece difícil para aplicar. ¿Como empezar? ¿Como pueden los padres y mae­stros hacer la edu­cación ver­dadera de manera prac­tica? Todos pueden seguir los planes de Dios para educar nue­stros niños para la eternidad.

Maybe true edu­ca­tion seems dif­fi­cult to apply. How to start? How can parents and teach­ers do true edu­ca­tion in a prac­ti­cal way? Every­one can follow God’s plan to educate our chil­dren for eternity.

Varias Formas Prácticas de Aumentar la Lida Útil de tus Cosechas/Practical ways to Increase the Storage life of your Harvestswith Fred Flint and Marieann Flint

Demostraremos varios métodos difer­entes para con­ser­var ali­men­tos de forma segura para su alma­ce­namiento prolongado.

We will be demon­strat­ing several dif­fer­ent methods to pre­serve food for extended storage safely.

Hierbas Medicinales Para Usar Y Cultivar/Medicinal Herbs To Use And Growwith Elias & Yumara Acevedo

Hierbas med­i­c­i­nales ben­efi­ciosas, y sus propiedades que se recomienda saber y tener disponibles para tiempos difíciles.

Ben­e­fi­cial med­i­c­i­nal herbs and their prop­er­ties, that are rec­om­mended to famil­iar­ize your­self with and have avail­able for dif­fi­cult times.

Spanish Networking Time

Kid's Track

Starting Your Very Own Garden Ages 9-12with Paul Dysinger
Mighty Microgreens! Ages 5-8with Pam Dysinger and Caleb Dysinger

Caleb Dysinger (a micro­green farmer) and his mom, Pam (a farmer’s wife) will open your eyes not only to how mighty” micro­greens are but also how mighty” chil­dren are! They may be small but they are mighty!

Saving Your Own Seeds!! Ages 5-8with Weston Adams

Saving seeds is so much fun! Let’s discuss the dif­fer­ence between open-pol­li­nated seeds and hybrids, and let’s learn how we can save our own seeds year after year after year!

Mighty Microgreens! Ages 9-12with Pam Dysinger and Caleb Dysinger

Caleb Dysinger (a micro­green farmer) and his mom, Pam (a farmer’s wife) will open your eyes not only to how mighty” micro­greens are but also how mighty” chil­dren are! They may be small but they are mighty!

Crafting Safety with Kids: Felt First Aid Kit Ages 5-8with Carol Daul

In this hands-on class, chil­dren will craft their own felt pouches for a first aid kit, learn­ing basic sewing skills while under­stand­ing the impor­tance of safety and pre­pared­ness in a fun, cre­ative way.

Pollinators—Our Amazing Garden Helpers Ages 9-12with Kelly O'Connor
First Aid for Kids Ages 5-8with Franklin Cobos
FARM STEW and You Ages 5-8with Joy Kauffman

You’ll get your hands dirty and clean! Your mouth filled then scrubbed! Your hearts warmed then stretched! Join us as we explore the recipe for abun­dant life!

Digging for Dinosaurs Ages 9-12with Erin Maloney, PhD

An activ­ity-based class that helps kids under­stand that the dinosaurs died and were buried in the Bib­li­cal flood.

Digging for Dinosaurs Ages 5-8with Erin Maloney, PhD

An activ­ity-based class that helps kids under­stand that the dinosaurs died and were buried in the Bib­li­cal flood.

Crafting Safety with Kids: Felt First Aid Kit Ages 9-12with Carol Daul

In this hands-on class, chil­dren will craft their own felt pouches for a first aid kit, learn­ing basic sewing skills while under­stand­ing the impor­tance of safety and pre­pared­ness in a fun, cre­ative way.

Blossoming Beauty Ages 5-8with Katherina Daul

We will dis­cover the beauty of flowers and explore how to grow and harvest them with the purpose of bless­ing others.

Making Your Own Varieties!! Ages 9-12with Weston Adams

Every­one can breed their own new garden vari­eties — come see how! You’ll learn to turn your garden into a lab­o­ra­tory, and you’ll get some special seeds to jump­start the process!

First Aid for Kids Ages 9-12with Franklin Cobos
Budding Electricians Ages 9-12with Franklin Cobos

Enjoy assem­bling a small, simple elec­tri­cal project that will need no more than a little super­vi­sion, and a small screw­driver (pro­vided) to com­plete during this session. Four types of kits will be avail­able: a solar powered or battery powered car, a solar powered fan, a battery powered plane.

Starting Your Very Own Garden Ages 5-8with Paul Dysinger
Fun Numbers for Families Ages 9-12with Franklin Cobos

Math can be easier and more fun that you may have thought! Learn ways to crunch the numbers for simple gar­den­ing sit­u­a­tions without using a cal­cu­la­tor. Get to use your mem­o­rized times tables (numbers 1 through 10), and the simple divi­sions of the day and the dollar (hours, minutes and seconds; cents, dimes and quar­ters). Parents may also attend, but must have their children’s per­mis­sion before being allowed to use a cal­cu­la­tor in class!

Feathered Friends Fun: Chicken Class for Kids Ages 5-9with Elizabeth Harrison

Join us for a fun, inter­ac­tive class and learn all about chick­ens in a lively, hands-on session perfect for kids! 

What to Expect:

  • Chicken Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Under­stand what your chick­ens are telling you and how to care for them.
  • Inter­ac­tive Dis­plays: See a mini coop replica and a brooder setup.
  • Back­yard Expe­ri­ence: Immerse your­self in the sights and sounds of back­yard chickens.
  • Hands-On Craft: Enjoy a fun craft activ­ity related to chickens!

Bring your curios­ity and get ready for an egg-citing adventure!

Pollinators—Our Amazing Garden Helpers Ages 5-8with Kelly O'Connor
Blossoming Beauty Ages 9-12with Katherina Daul

We will dis­cover the beauty of flowers and explore how to grow and harvest them with the purpose of bless­ing others.

Herbal Remedies for Kids Ages 5-8with Elias & Yumara Acevedo

A fun inter­ac­tive class on simple herbal reme­dies kids can make at home.

Egg-cellent Chicken Adventures for Kids Ages 9-12with Elizabeth Harrison

Come and dis­cover the world of chick­ens and entre­pre­neur­ship in a fun, hands-on, inter­ac­tive session.

What to Expect:

  • Chicken Care: Learn how to prepare and prop­erly care for your chickens.
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion: Under­stand what your chick­ens are telling you.
  • Raising Chick­ens: Explore dif­fer­ent ways to raise chick­ens and learn about various breeds.
  • Health & Main­te­nance: Dis­cover how to main­tain the health of your flock.
  • Busi­ness Skills: Learn how to sell eggs, market your prod­ucts, and start a small chicken business.
  • Climate Adap­ta­tion: Get tips on making chicken keeping work for your climate.
  • Pros & Cons: Discuss the pros and cons of dif­fer­ent breeds and coops.
  • Com­pre­hen­sive Overview: Cover the dif­fer­ent aspects of chicken keeping to equip kids with prac­ti­cal knowledge.

By the end of the class, kids will leave with a clear direc­tion and the con­fi­dence to apply what they’ve learned to their own chicken-keeping adventures!

Hands-on Classes

Being Creative with God's Creationwith Kyle Neuroh
Hands-on Additional Fee
3 presentations, 1 hour each
15 person limit per presentation
$50.00 per person

This 1 hour class will focus on using mate­ri­als on or around your prop­erty to make some simple items such as coast­ers, toys, sea­sonal dec­o­ra­tions, etc. with the hope of spawn­ing cre­ativ­ity for the student. Some simple tools and paints will be pro­vided for each student to keep, and they will be given 3 projects to make and keep. There will be suf­fi­cient time to finish at least one in the class period, with the others to be com­pleted at home. Age 6+; child must be accom­pa­nied by parent or guardian.

Construction Theory Part 1: Dirt to Doorknobswith Skip Dodson
Additional Fee
1 hour
24 person limit
$100.00 per person

Note: fee covers parts 1, 2 and 3 of class.

Under­stand­ing build­ing design and sequence.

Introduction to Wood Carvingwith Kyle Neuroh
Hands-on Additional Fee
3 parts, 3 hours total
20 person limit
$150.00 per person

Stu­dents will be instructed in har­vest­ing wood around their prop­erty and learn how to carve a serving spoon, spatula, and grain scoop or bowl using hand tools. Each student will receive a begin­ners kit of tools along with some wood, and work through the carving, sanding and fin­ish­ing by the end of the three class periods. Age 16+

Construction Theory Part 2: Nailing Down Costswith Skip Dodson
Additional Fee
1 hour
24 person limit
$100.00 per person

Note: fee covers parts 1, 2 and 3 of class.

How to budget for your project.

Construction Part 3: Hands-onwith Skip Dodson
Hands-on Additional Fee
2 presentations, 3 hours each
12 person limit per presentation
$100.00 per person

Note: fee covers parts 1, 2 and 3 of class.

Basic Wall Framing (90 min)

Demys­ti­fy­ing the Elec­tri­cal System (45 min)

Working with Pex Tubing (45 min)

Hit the ground running - Sourdough in Actionwith Elizabeth Harrison
DemoHands-on Additional Fee
2 hours and 15 minutes
25 person limit
$20.00 per person

A time­line of each of the steps pre­pared in time­lapse. Starter in a jar to baked loaf! See, touch, smell and taste! What to look for, con­sis­tency, stretch and folds, dough struc­ture. Shaping, scoring, post bake tips. 

Included: Every­thing but the kitchen sink” sour­dough starter kit – mason jar, live or dehy­drated starter, sil­i­cone spatula, bench scrape, proof­ing basket, bread lame, tea towel, rubber band, dough whisk, instruc­tions, sour­dough bread recipe card

    Simple and Practical Soapmakingwith Marieann Flint
    Hands-on Additional Fee
    2 presentations, 2 hours and 15 minutes each
    25 person limit per presentation
    $25.00 per person

    Each par­tic­i­pant will be craft­ing their own laundry soap and shampoo bar. This is a learn­ing together oppor­tu­nity where theory and humor combine for a cleans­ing effect. Addi­tional fee applies.

    Grafting Your Own Fruit Trees!with Weston Adams
    Hands-on Additional Fee
    2 presentations, 1 hour each
    20 person limit per presentation
    $25.00 per person

    If you want to prop­a­gate your own fruit trees, you must learn to graft! Learn the what, why, and how of graft­ing, and take home enough sup­plies to get started this year!!