Lodging & Meals
AdAgrA Conference Dates: January 21 - 26, 2025
Lodging (View Site Map here)
Full conference includes Tuesday - Saturday night (5 nights). Minimum of 5 nights for a reservation.
Lodging must be purchased through our registration. Do not call Riverbend directly for lodging.
Lodging options at Riverbend Conference and Retreat Center are:
Cabins dorm-style sleep 20-44 ideal for multiple families - $115-$205/night (View accommodations here)
Dorm-style cabin for single women OR single men only- $35/bed/night (View accommodations here)
Motel style rooms (Cedar Bluff Lodge and Rock Creek Lodge) that sleep 4 from $125-$135/night per room (View accommodations here)
Motel style Renovation Cottages that sleep 5 - $135/night per cottage (View accommodations here)
Condo style lodge rooms (G. Rollie Lodge, Brazos Lodge, Lenamon Lodge) that sleep between 4-13 from $145/night per room (View accommodations here)
2 Homes (Greene Refuge Cabin and Creekside Cabin) that sleeps 4-8 with all the conveniences of home $145-$255/night (View Greene Refuge Cabin here)(View Creekside Cabin here)
Outpost Camp includes covered wagons, teepee and turrets that sleep up to 20 from $90-$115/night (View accommodations here)
Outdoor tent sites - $40/tent/night
Indoor tent sites - $60/night
RV- 30 and 50 amp $60-$65/night
Vehicle Camping - $40/night
All prices include taxes and offer the convenience of being on campus and fellowshipping.
Please note: As of 1/12/2025 We are no longer offering on-line purchase of meals. We will be selling a limited number of meals at the conference during check-in times on Tuesday, January 21 from 3:00-6:00 pm and on Wednesday, January 22 from 7:00-8:15 am.
Riverbend's Chef has created a tasty, mostly organic, non-GMO, vegan menu for us. Choose the meal package for all 13 meals or choose the custom option and only select the meals you want. Breakfast and lunch are robust, and suppers are light but still plentiful. Menu is gluten free friendly. Anyone eating in the cafeteria must be registered for meals including toddlers.
See Menu HERE.
Adults (6 years +):
- Breakfast: $12.50
- Lunch: $13.50
- Supper: $11.50
Children 2-5
- Breakfast: $5.00
- Lunch: $5.50
- Supper: $4.50
Toddlers 0-1
- Free (but must be registered for meals to be allowed in cafeteria)
Animal Policy: No animals allowed.
Cancellation Policy:
- Last day to cancel registration and lodging with full refund is Dec 15, 2024
- Last day to cancel meals with full refund is January 11, 2025.