The Organization
Adventist Agricultural Association (AdAgrA) is a grass-roots organization made up of like-minded individuals who feel convicted by God not only to return, but to also teach others how they can “return” to an agrarian lifestyle. Agriculture is an important aspect of Adventism both past and present. More and more are convicted by God to revive the focus of agriculture, a vital part of our educational approach, as well as a part of every family’s sustainability in view of current and coming events.
This is truly a journey of faith and conviction that began with a vision. Throughout the years, several people in various parts of the country felt the conviction to formulate some kind of network. Many people like Bob Jorgensen of North Carolina, Lynn Hoag of California, John and Edwin Dysinger of Tennesee, the list goes on. There was no Adventist association in existence providing support to gardeners or farmers. Although efforts were made, it seemed like it wasn’t in God’s timing.
This new effort stems from a meeting held in 2012 at Uchee Pines. For a number of years previously, Bob Jorgensen of North Carolina organized seminars with various speakers instructing Adventists in the importance of agriculture as a means of education (they’re inseparable), and as a part of the preparation of God’s people for the final events of this earth’s history. Daniel LaFlair attended one of Bob’s meetings in 2012. What he heard changed his life. The marriage of agriculture and education was new and he felt a burning desire to share this message with every Adventist. He, like all those before, saw a need for a network of support, not just for individuals, but for institutions desiring to put into practice the counsel given through inspiration. Coupled with the fact that there existed many others with the same desire for an organization to support, encourage and help struggling gardeners/farmers, in 2013 he held break-out meeting inviting like-minded people from around the world to meet and discuss the possibilities. AdAgrA is the result of the coming together of these people.
AdAgrA’s vision is to bring God’s counsel to everyone desiring an agrarian lifestyle and to provide support and encouragement, and teach them scientific methods in line with the guidance God has provided. See our Mission and Vision in more detail here.